Friday, January 21, 2011

A vivid imagination

As long as I can remember my mind has always been out there on the brink of the edge in thought and sometimes in action. I am a prankster to a certain extreme and a storyteller to the consternation of many….but my children loved the weaving of tales as youngsters. Many a bedtime was spent in magical kingdoms and bounding over the western prairie.

You see with a daughter and a son I made sure that I told stories that intrigued them as well as interested their individual character. So, is this a gene pool mystery? (I remember vividly the story of “The Bear Went Over The Mountain” that my dad would read to me at bedtime.) Or is it a God given talent to recite prose spontaneously? My wish is that I had at least recorded some of these stories…I have tried to write down at least the main characters for future tales and possibly children’s books (short story series). I pray that the river of thought never dries. That I will be able to tell a tale or two till I pass from this earth. I have grandkids that enjoy being with ”Papa’. Better not waste any time or thought. Once upon a time….

What are your favorite story telling times? Remember the sound of your parents telling you a bedtime story? Your time to reflect

1 comment:

Wonder Woman said...

My favorite story telling memories are definitely sitting on the porch swing during thunderstorms, listening to your stories about Geek, Peepo & Dido and Princess Leilani.

I've tried telling my boys spontaneous stories and it's much harder for me. I think it's definitely a talent from God.