Monday, May 16, 2011

My Mother's Day talk 2011

I am so very grateful to have grown up when I did. I lived in a time where we kids could take off for hours and our moms and dads wouldn’t worry. Of course we checked in every now and then, and we were mostly in earshot of mom.
         We never hesitated to bring our friends into our home and mom would fix us all something to snack on, we had fresh baked cookies waiting for us when we came home from school, and a good sack lunch when we went in the morning.
         The neighborhood moms didn’t hesitate to discipline any of the neighborhood kids if they got out of hand, it was a given. 
         Now was it all Shangri-La? No…. but what mom did was to make sure that we played fair, were honest, and were good kids.  I know…. yet I still do my best to make her proud of me. I have siblings that make sure we show appreciation to our parents, especially our mother. Is she perfect? When we are children we always think of our mothers this way.
         So what makes a mother the fountain of knowledge, the one that nurses us to health that listens to our problems that consoles us when loves tramples our hearts?         “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” states, “Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children.” 1 A good nurturer carries power and influence. The Latin word nutrire, from which the English word nurture originates, means “to suckle or nourish,” or, in the full interpretation, “to feed, foster, care for, or rear.” True power is found in the hands of a worthy nurturer, especially at mealtimes.         Mothers, who are “primarily responsible for the nurture of their children,” can be a powerful force for strengthening families when they use mealtimes to gather loved ones. They follow the example of the Savior to calm, teach, and help their families remember important things as they feed, cultivate, educate, and rear at the consecrated tables in their homes.
         I have been very fortunate to have the mother I have. She has taught me many very simple and complex things. How to tie a shoelace, how to write words, to be accountable for my actions…to color, to cook, to work and to read among many.
         My best friends mom, growing up in 1st ward, was a great example of mom to me. In fact I called her mom. It is a term of endearment, and many women, regardless of whether they have children or not, have this term bestowed upon them. Because these women take the time to nurture, listen and guide us.
         There are many women that are not my mother that have profound influence on my life. My mother-in-law has shown me what Mary the mother of Christ showed, that you could show forth love and compassion after you lose a loved one. The same with my sister as she lost a son. Or a daughter-in-law that cares for three kids while their dad is far away. Think of all the pioneer mothers that lost loved ones as they forever journeyed westward. They all have persevered. Can you imagine the anguish that Eve felt as a son destroyed another son, and yet went on? Christ like love.
         Mothers have the capacity to forgive like no others. To listen, to heal, to give comfort to their “children”. I would venture to say that all of another, or us, at one time have had love shown forth to us by a woman that was not our mother.

From the Teachings of Joseph F. Smith
A mother’s influence extends from generation to generation.
He goes on to say……….How I love and cherish true motherhood! Nothing beneath the celestial kingdom can surpass my deathless love for the sweet, true, noble, soul who gave me birth—my own, own, mother! O she was good! She was true! She was pure! She was indeed a Saint! A royal daughter of God! To her I owe my very existence as also my success in life, coupled with the favor and mercy of God! 2         
As a rule the mothers in Zion, the mothers of Israel, are the very best women that live in the world, the best that can be found anywhere. … The good influence that a good mother exercises over her children is like leaven cast into the measure of meal, that will leaven the whole lump; and as far as her influence extends, not only to her own children, but to the associates of her children, it is felt, and good is the result accomplished by it.
And, sisters, you do not know how far your influence extends. A mother that is successful in raising a good boy, or girl, to imitate her example and to follow her precepts through life, sows the seeds of virtue, honor and integrity and of righteousness in their hearts that will be felt through all their career in life; and wherever that boy or girl goes, as man or woman, in whatever society they mingle, the good effects of the example of that mother upon them will be felt; and it will never die, because it will extend from them to their children from generation to generation. And especially do we hope for this in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 3
Motherhood lies at the foundation of happiness in the home, and of prosperity in the nation. God has laid upon men and women very sacred obligations with respect to motherhood. 5
I think that the best mothers in the world should be found, and consistently found, among the Latter-day Saints. I believe the best wives in all the world are found among the Latter-day Saints. I do not know of any other women in the world that have the same conception of wifehood and motherhood that the Latter-day Saints possess. Our associations are not exclusively intended for this life. … We live for time and for eternity. We form associations and relations for time and all eternity. Our affections and our desires are found fitted and prepared to endure not only throughout the temporal or mortal life, but through all eternity. 6
In the home the mother is the principal disciplinarian in early child life, and her influence and discipline determine in a great measure the ability of her children to assume in manhood and womanhood the larger governments in church and state. 10
I most sincerely hope that the mothers of Israel will guard very zealously and very carefully the lives of their daughters and of their sons. I would if I had it in my power make it possible for all mothers to have the joy and the unspeakable satisfaction of rearing their sons and their daughters above the reproach of men and above the power of sin. 11
I look upon these mothers in Zion, who have been endowed with the gift of the Holy Ghost, who have been born again, … the daughters of Israel have been born of the water and of the Spirit, and they have been endowed with the gift of the Holy Ghost, by the laying on of hands of those who had authority to convey that power and that gift to the daughters of Zion, as well as to the sons of Zion. I believe that every mother has the right to … know what to do in her family and in her sphere, over her children, in their guidance and direction; and that mother and every mother possessing that spirit has the gift of revelation, the gift of inspiration and the gift of knowledge, which is the spirit of prophecy, the spirit of discernment, a gift of God to them, to govern their households and lead their children in the path of righteousness and truth. 17
I think of my sweet wife, the mother of our children when I read these words. The countless hours on bended knee and immersed in scripture in their behalf. For good and bad. Giving thanks and seeking inspiration..
In an excerpt from our recent conference Elder Bradley Foster of the Seventy had this to say about mothers
         Brothers and sisters, in a world where everyone is granted agency, some of our loved ones may stray for a season. But we can never give up. We must always go back for them—we must never stop trying. Our prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, has issued a plea for us to go rescue those of our loved ones who may be lost. With the help of priesthood leaders, parents must continue to go back and find their lost ones, assuring them there will always be a “home” within the family and the Church, waiting for their return. We never know when a heart may be turned. We never know when a soul may be weary and worn out by the world. When that happens, it seems our children almost always turn first toward Mother, with emotions like those expressed in a poem by Elizabeth Akers Allen:
Backward, flow backward, O tide of the years!
I am so weary of toil and of tears, …
Tired of the hollow, the base, the untrue,
Mother, O mother, my heart calls for you! …
Over my heart, in the days that are flown,
No love like mother-love ever has shone; …
None like a mother can charm away pain
From the sick soul and the world-weary brain.
Slumber’s soft calms o’er my heavy lids creep;
Rock me to sleep, mother, rock me to sleep!

Perhaps the reason we respond so universally to our mothers’ love is because it typifies the love of our Savior. As President Joseph F. Smith said, “The love of a true mother comes nearer [to] being like the love of God than any other kind of love” (“The Love of Mother,” Improvement Era, Jan. 1910, 278).
As in all things, the Savior set the perfect example in the love He showed for His earthly mother. In the final, most pivotal moment of His mortal life—after the anguish of Gethsemane, the mock trial, the crown of thorns, the heavy cross to which He was brutally nailed—Jesus looked down from the cross and saw His mother, Mary, who had come to be with her Son. His final act of love before He died was to ensure that His mother would be cared for, saying to His disciple, “Behold thy mother!” And from that point on the disciple took her unto his home. As the scriptures say, then Jesus knew that “all things were now accomplished,” and He bowed His head and died (see John 19:27–28, 30).
Cherish and embrace, or call, your sweet mother if you are fortunate to still have her on this earth. If not, remember her embrace, her love for you, and cherish those memories and share them with those around you.
Bless you dear sweet sisters for the sweet mothers you are. The sacred influence you have upon those around you, especially children.  Listen to the Spirit, guide and comfort, do not hesitate to listen. As a woman in Zion you can have profound effect on those around you. Be a mother in our ward, our stake your family and for eternity…

Friday, January 21, 2011

A vivid imagination

As long as I can remember my mind has always been out there on the brink of the edge in thought and sometimes in action. I am a prankster to a certain extreme and a storyteller to the consternation of many….but my children loved the weaving of tales as youngsters. Many a bedtime was spent in magical kingdoms and bounding over the western prairie.

You see with a daughter and a son I made sure that I told stories that intrigued them as well as interested their individual character. So, is this a gene pool mystery? (I remember vividly the story of “The Bear Went Over The Mountain” that my dad would read to me at bedtime.) Or is it a God given talent to recite prose spontaneously? My wish is that I had at least recorded some of these stories…I have tried to write down at least the main characters for future tales and possibly children’s books (short story series). I pray that the river of thought never dries. That I will be able to tell a tale or two till I pass from this earth. I have grandkids that enjoy being with ”Papa’. Better not waste any time or thought. Once upon a time….

What are your favorite story telling times? Remember the sound of your parents telling you a bedtime story? Your time to reflect

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A glimpse was all it took….

I can still remember the first time that I saw my wife’s face. I was rounding the corner inside the southwest corner of the 13th street church building. It was Stake conference and Pennie was helping her mom with the junior primary kids(when we still did that). I remember thinking how cute and then a flash of she must be married and then went on my way.
The next glimpse was at a stake dance and I made sure I had a dance with her…we danced to Color My World by Chicago, how prophetic…because from then on she has brought a rainbow of changes to my life. She was very, and still is, very instrumental in helping me becoming active in church after many years of inactivity. There was reason and purpose I had never had before….we dated, and saw each other (we both worked downtown and we car pooled) every day for the next year and a half. I finally asked her to marry me and she said…NO! What? She needed some time and space, so she moved to Logan, Utah and I stayed here…started preparing for a mission( I was 27 at the time)..lot of work and I stayed in touch with Pennie. I had prayed for an answer as to what to do next…go on a mission or ask Pennie to marry me one more time. I asked her and she said yes this time….and the saga began.

A glimpse was all it took for me to know happiness… and joy. Joy, such a small word for all it encompasses….but that will be another point of reflection in the future.

Ever had a glimpse into your future you want to share?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What are you reading? Kindle or pages?

So, I see the fascination with the Kindle or any digital book reading device…but I really worry about where we are headed in reading.

What about the sheer joy of going to your school library, or downtown, and seeing the mass of books and thinking where do I start. The first time you pick out a classic and feel the heft of the volume…wondering what it took to conjure this story of a Great White Whale… or where and when will we conquer space and Go From The Earth to the Moon….Authors that make us appreciate the turning of a page…not scrolling down.

And what of all the light in the face…don’t we get enough of that from TV…so pick up a book, put the Kindle away and support many people at the same time.

Take them into consideration…the artist and designers that come up with compelling covers and illustrations to help your imagination come to life. And all the librarians in the world…what will happen to them? And the book publishers and promoters and… you get the picture.

I love reading…the thought of being able to download hundreds of books into one device is a compelling thought. To pack all that literature in a small package that you can take anywhere, without breaking the back. Sit and scroll.

So, what do you say? The book or the digital device…which way do you turn, or scroll for that matter?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Serving our nation...and the world

This is on my mind constantly, what with my oldest son having just joined the US ARMY. I am humbled by his choice. Is it any easy one? Is it a difficult one? The answer to that has been manifest thousands of time over, ever since the first soldiers were called to serve in the Revolutionary War. Why did they step forward? To preserve their nations freedoms. A choice not to be taken lightly. But one to be applauded. Are their different reasons to serve? As there are different men and women that serve, yes. But the underlying truth in all their decisions is that they are willing to serve in what ever capacity is needed.
Now, in my day we had the draft. We waited to be called. I remember watching the TV in the ‘60’s waiting to see if my number was drawn. Lo and behold it was drawn...the last of the numbers at that time. I received my “Congratulations” letter and went and joined the USAF the next day. I made my choice then and served to the best of my ability for the next 4 years. It was basically at the end of the Viet Nam era, so most was a peacetime service.
The Eppersons and extended family have been serving our country for some time now. My father, father-in-law and many uncles and aunts served in WWII. I have many in laws, son-in-law, and cousins that have served from the Korean conflict to now in Afghanistan. 2 nephews, and at least one cousin now serve. And many friends. Friends have that lost loved ones.
I have letters from an ancestor that served in the Union army during the Civil War. I always thought that name ironic, because war is anything but civil. He talks through the letter about his experience in a prison camp, his love for his wife and family and concerns for them. Not once does he mention any regrets, only concerns.
I have often wondered what it was like for my own father as he sloshed through the jungles of the Pacific. Was he scared, did he lose any buddies, what he was thinking about back home. What were his dreams at that time as he sat huddled in a foxhole thousands of miles from home. Did he think of his mom...that I know at least. He turned down a Purple Heart as to make sure she did not know he was wounded. What about those that serve from my family now? Do they dream of being home with their loved ones...sure. So why do they do it?
The answer is different for all. What we need to be aware of is that they are willing to go forth to make sure ours, and the world freedoms are not tread on. Be proud. Be careful in what you say about their choice. And be grateful they are there.
Proud of my son, family and friends? Yes. So grateful for the honor they bestow upon me and the world. To them I will always salute.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow in Wichita, the cold and memories

Well we finally have some snow worth talking about…time to sled, and build snow forts and throw snowballs….

Big snow and cold in Wichita has always been fun. From sledding down the “original” Wichita hill at the now Indian Center site or ice skating at the frozen over “pond’ at the flooded parking lot at West Riverside Athletic Fields. To dad towing us behind the car on sleds…we lived through that….to building gigantic snowmen, having neighborhood snowball fights and just making snow angels in the front lawn of the house.

Now we have the hill near The Palace…what a blast that has been for my kids and hopefully grand kids soon…this video is of a young Spencer and friend Mike enjoying the hill at the Palace..

Now I can say that I did enjoy my winter times in NY and all the sledding and ice skating there…teenage years and a lot of Youth snow parties.. .fun times,,,cracking the whip was a blast on the ponds in the parks (cold enough to skate on ponds there).

Make your own snow memories and share some with me….enjoy the snow!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Children's first steps

Today I witnessed for the first time Lexie, on of my grand daughters, walk. And quite a walk it was...pretty fast and lasted for awhile. Of course she has 2 big brothers and needs to keep up...but to see this tiny little girl, so much on her own, makes me realize how fast our progression is on earth. Wasn't it just the other day her dad was taking his first step...those steps that propel us on a journey that will last an eternity. Try and remember what it was like for you at that time. If your parents are able, ask them to help you remember. Put yourself in your childrens steps and think of how much they depend on your guidance, balance and knowledge. Make their first steps memorable and in doing so you will see just how far those steps will take them. Their first ones will leave a footprint on your heart.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Fallen Tree

In 1975 I was stationed at Ramstein AFB in Germany. I occupied a space in the NCO barracks with a friend named Rusty. We had many adventures, but the one I will share was a telling one of how darkness can obscure the obvious.

Rusty, Matthews and I always took a path from our barracks to a Chinese restaurant and the theatre on the other side of the base. We traveled this path at blazing speed at many different times of the day. This time was to be different. As we headed for a night out, we ran helter skelter down the path in the dark of night. This was a path surrounded by tall pines, with very little light from street lights or the moon. I was in the lead, Rusty just behind and Matthews pretty close to him. As I hit the middle of the path, I was knocked for a loop by a tree that had fallen across the path sometime that day. I did my best to yell to the other guys and warn them, but the next thing I knew they had both hit the tree and landed right on top of many times we had run that path and never an obstacle in our way...just a simple act had made the difference...well we picked our selves up, banged up a little, dusted our selves off and went on our way. Did we give it another thought to warn others of impending injury...not then? How many times do we go through life, just walking the same old path, not paying attention to what can loom in the darkness. When those pitfalls are placed before us, to we blindly fall over, injure ourselves...spiritually and we strive to pay attention to the promptings of not just relying on what is always in our path, but to be aware of what can fall in our paths. Beware of your fallen will never know when they might trip you up.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Why a ’98 TALON is like life

Sometimes the door you want to open will not, no matter what the effort. But if you back off, have a little patience, observe and try again with a different approach, it will open.

When a head gasket blows, there is considerable angst, a lot of steam to blow off and a matter of knowing how to solve the problem. So it is with anger. A cooling off period after the initial blow up, and solving the situation with help from prayer.

Sometimes the heat doesn’t get as warm as I would like and I need to put on more layers, be patient, endure the winter cold in the knowledge that spring will eventually come. When new people you come in contact with don’t “warm up” to you from the beginning, it will take the layers of time, and love to persevere and wait for them to realize just you are like a breath of fresh spring air.

I love this car, no matter the trials it has for me. I do my best to take car of it in the hopes it will get me down many a road in the future. How are your daily travels going? What different obstacles are placed in your way. Reflect with us. Please.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

15 minutes to spare? Here’s some ideas…

Take a walk with your spouse

Long distance call to a relative

Say a prayer and then listen quietly for an answer

Take a break from home stuff to play with the kids

Read a short story to someone

Make a daily journal entry

Take the time to blog

Look up an ancestor

Get in touch with someone from the past on social media

Write a letter

Write a thank you note

Exercise hard

Eat some fruit, s l o w l y

Clean your room

Google something you don’t know

Donate old clothes to a shelter

Enjoy a PBJ sandwich & milk with you kids

Write a love note to your spouse or a loved one

Sit down and really listen to someone without speaking

Bet you have some interesting things yourself…let me know and post them

PS 15 minutes is how long it took me to jot this down

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Holiday Greetings text

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all from the Epperson's,
Tim, Pennie, and Spencer

This has been a couple of eventful years for us here. 2 grand daughters in
the space of a few months. Alex and Megan brought us Alexis Lee, and Levi
and Alyssa, Aubrey Liana. With their boys that means 6 grandkids, Isaac,
Eric, Brodie and Conner, Alexis and Aubrey. They are all doing well.
The year 2010 has brought much more news. Alex has joined USARMY, active
duty and will report for basic in February 2011. Gone for at least 3 months.
Plenty in store for his family this next year, that Eagle Scout rank bumped
him to an E-3. Megan is doing well and looking at staying busy (read 3
kids!) while Alex is gone...plenty of service opportunities there. Wonderful
kids, great parents looking to the future...Brodie loves all books and is
such a talker and known for those blue eyes. Conner is the dancer and such a
charmer. Lexie has us all eating out of her hand and is a little princess.
So grateful we have these three so close. What a chance to see their little
faces change.
Levi and Alyssa and brood have made the change of address from Spanish Fork
to Orem. Great opportunity and very close commute for Levi. Great house and beautiful and spacious backyard, with basement apartment for added income.. Alyssa is teaching piano lessons. Wasn't it just the other day she was sitting down for HER first lesson...... I regress in memory...Isaac started Kindergarten this year and Eric loves that leaves
Aubrey with Alyssa alone most of the day... nine months old and already walking! We only get to see them a few times each year but they are memorable times, outdoors and enjoying Utah together. Those boys love the outdoors.
Spencer turned 16 this year and a personality explosion happened. Ordained
a Priest. He's doing very well in school, went on 2 scouting Hi-adventures (Matagorda
Island off the Texas coast, and Teton Base in Wyoming). Monsoon storms to
whitewater rafting and a lot of traveling. He just became an Eagle
Scout...yes! Will wait for his brother to come back from basic to have the Court of Honor.
He loves going on team-ups with the missionaries. Seems to have
grown a foot recently. He loves working out, playing video games and teasing his mom. Seminary is our start of the day, and we usually end the night talking before bedtime. His passion is swimming and hard work in construction. Has much ambition in that field. Plenty of
friends and loves the church social scene, very involved on the Stake level.
Pennie is now involved in the Cub scouting side of life as a Den leader.
The boys love her, can you blame them..... Still making 4:30am wake up call
for work at Collection, Etc. Etc, Etc, etc..... She has plenty to do with 6
grandkids and so many projects around the house.
The house...storms the last couple of years have had us put on a new
roof, trim the trees, get rid of unwanted evergreens and try and keep the
fence up. The pool will need a new liner this year but is needed, as we love
all to hang out here in the summer months.
Well, that leaves me 30 years at The Eagle, will move to a new assignment
this year sometime in the News department working on the Presentation Team.
Outsourcing some positions in our department made me look around and was
presented with this opportunity. Started a part time job at the local Arena
this year and am having a blast working the concerts and events. Still
involved a little in scouting, okay a lot scouting, with Council and
district levels and our troop on the committee. Love the outdoors and is my
escape, but really paid the price this summer with the Hi-adventure to
Texas ended up in a battle with old oyster shells and it led to 15 stitches
in my hands. Nice birthday present.
We love you all; wish the merriest of Christmas and a very happy 2011 NewYear. The Gospel is true and so are our friends.

Holiday Greetings

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all from the Epperson's,
Tim, Pennie, and Spencer

This has been a couple of eventful years for us here. 2 grand daughters in
the space of a few months. Alex and Megan brought us Alexis Lee, and Levi
and Alyssa, Aubrey Liana. With their boys that means 6 grandkids, Isaac,
Eric, Brodie and Conner, Alexis and Aubrey. They are all doing well.
The year 2010 has brought much more news. Alex has joined USARMY, active
duty and will report for basic in February 2011. Gone for at least 3 months.
Plenty in store for his family this next year, that Eagle Scout rank bumped
him to an E-3. Megan is doing well and looking at staying busy (read 3
kids!) while Alex is gone...plenty of service opportunities there. Wonderful
kids, great parents looking to the future...Brodie loves all books and is
such a talker and known for those blue eyes. Conner is the dancer and such a
charmer. Lexie has us all eating out of her hand and is a little princess.
So grateful we have these three so close. What a chance to see their little
faces change.
Levi and Alyssa and brood have made the change of address from Spanish Fork
to Orem. Great opportunity and very close commute for Levi. Great house and beautiful and spacious backyard, with basement apartment for added income.. Alyssa is teaching piano lessons. Wasn't it just the other day she was sitting down for HER first lesson...... I regress in memory...Isaac started Kindergarten this year and Eric loves that leaves
Aubrey with Alyssa alone most of the day... nine months old and already walking! We only get to see them a few times each year but they are memorable times, outdoors and enjoying Utah together. Those boys love the outdoors.
Spencer turned 16 this year and a personality explosion happened. Ordained
a Priest. He's doing very well in school, went on 2 scouting Hi-adventures (Matagorda
Island off the Texas coast, and Teton Base in Wyoming). Monsoon storms to
whitewater rafting and a lot of traveling. He just became an Eagle
Scout...yes! Will wait for his brother to come back from basic to have the Court of Honor.
He loves going on team-ups with the missionaries. Seems to have
grown a foot recently. He loves working out, playing video games and teasing his mom. Seminary is our start of the day, and we usually end the night talking before bedtime. His passion is swimming and hard work in construction. Has much ambition in that field. Plenty of
friends and loves the church social scene, very involved on the Stake level.
Pennie is now involved in the Cub scouting side of life as a Den leader.
The boys love her, can you blame them..... Still making 4:30am wake up call
for work at Collection, Etc. Etc, Etc, etc..... She has plenty to do with 6
grandkids and so many projects around the house.
The house...storms the last couple of years have had us put on a new
roof, trim the trees, get rid of unwanted evergreens and try and keep the
fence up. The pool will need a new liner this year but is needed, as we love
all to hang out here in the summer months.
Well, that leaves me. 30 years at The Eagle, will move to a new assignment
this year sometime in the News department working on the Presentation Team.
Outsourcing some positions in our department made me look around and was
presented with this opportunity. Started a part time job at the local Arena
this year and am having a blast working the concerts and events. Still
involved a little in scouting, okay a lot scouting, with Council and
district levels and our troop on the committee. Love the outdoors and is my
escape, but really paid the price this summer with the Hi-adventure to
Texas ended up in a battle with old oyster shells and it led to 15 stitches
in my hands. Nice birthday present.
We love you all; wish the merriest of Christmas and a very happy 2011 NewYear. The Gospel is true and so are our friends.

2010 Retrospect

2010 retrospect...The simple joy that Pennie brings to me when she just says my thankful for the times that Conner says Papa and puts his arms out to me, when Brodie wants me to read to him, the smiles I get from Lexie. When Isaac calls me on his own just to talk, Eric's teasing me and speaking Spanish over the phone. When Megan will call to ask me to watch the kids. That I have children that are grown and have memories of traditions and joy. That Alex has the desire to improve himself and commit to serving his nation and the world. That Alyssa will call just to talk to her dad. When my kids say "I love you to dad". For Levi taking such good care of his family. That I have Vera in my life. That I can still call my parents and just talk... That I have a loving Heavenly Father that knows who I really am, and a Savior, even Jesus Christ, that has died for me...that I can rely on the Holy Ghost for guidance...that I really do have wonderful friends..that my siblings still love me, regardless of my actions...that I am employed, have a wonderful home and food on the table...that I really do like to serve others..that I have 2 sons that are Eagle Scouts, despite the odds... for a wonderful wife that I love and inspires me to be better...for the simple act of forgiveness and repentence...that Alyssa and Megan desire to be good and loving mothers...for my great health..for my talents that I strive to continue to improve upon...the loss of friends and what it has taught me about much to be thankful for and looking forward to what 2011 will bring. Cherish your loved ones and hold them close.