Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Serving our nation...and the world

This is on my mind constantly, what with my oldest son having just joined the US ARMY. I am humbled by his choice. Is it any easy one? Is it a difficult one? The answer to that has been manifest thousands of time over, ever since the first soldiers were called to serve in the Revolutionary War. Why did they step forward? To preserve their nations freedoms. A choice not to be taken lightly. But one to be applauded. Are their different reasons to serve? As there are different men and women that serve, yes. But the underlying truth in all their decisions is that they are willing to serve in what ever capacity is needed.
Now, in my day we had the draft. We waited to be called. I remember watching the TV in the ‘60’s waiting to see if my number was drawn. Lo and behold it was drawn...the last of the numbers at that time. I received my “Congratulations” letter and went and joined the USAF the next day. I made my choice then and served to the best of my ability for the next 4 years. It was basically at the end of the Viet Nam era, so most was a peacetime service.
The Eppersons and extended family have been serving our country for some time now. My father, father-in-law and many uncles and aunts served in WWII. I have many in laws, son-in-law, and cousins that have served from the Korean conflict to now in Afghanistan. 2 nephews, and at least one cousin now serve. And many friends. Friends have that lost loved ones.
I have letters from an ancestor that served in the Union army during the Civil War. I always thought that name ironic, because war is anything but civil. He talks through the letter about his experience in a prison camp, his love for his wife and family and concerns for them. Not once does he mention any regrets, only concerns.
I have often wondered what it was like for my own father as he sloshed through the jungles of the Pacific. Was he scared, did he lose any buddies, what he was thinking about back home. What were his dreams at that time as he sat huddled in a foxhole thousands of miles from home. Did he think of his mom...that I know at least. He turned down a Purple Heart as to make sure she did not know he was wounded. What about those that serve from my family now? Do they dream of being home with their loved ones...sure. So why do they do it?
The answer is different for all. What we need to be aware of is that they are willing to go forth to make sure ours, and the world freedoms are not tread on. Be proud. Be careful in what you say about their choice. And be grateful they are there.
Proud of my son, family and friends? Yes. So grateful for the honor they bestow upon me and the world. To them I will always salute.

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