Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow in Wichita, the cold and memories

Well we finally have some snow worth talking about…time to sled, and build snow forts and throw snowballs….

Big snow and cold in Wichita has always been fun. From sledding down the “original” Wichita hill at the now Indian Center site or ice skating at the frozen over “pond’ at the flooded parking lot at West Riverside Athletic Fields. To dad towing us behind the car on sleds…we lived through that….to building gigantic snowmen, having neighborhood snowball fights and just making snow angels in the front lawn of the house.

Now we have the hill near The Palace…what a blast that has been for my kids and hopefully grand kids soon…this video is of a young Spencer and friend Mike enjoying the hill at the Palace..

Now I can say that I did enjoy my winter times in NY and all the sledding and ice skating there…teenage years and a lot of Youth snow parties.. .fun times,,,cracking the whip was a blast on the ponds in the parks (cold enough to skate on ponds there).

Make your own snow memories and share some with me….enjoy the snow!

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