Thursday, January 20, 2011

A glimpse was all it took….

I can still remember the first time that I saw my wife’s face. I was rounding the corner inside the southwest corner of the 13th street church building. It was Stake conference and Pennie was helping her mom with the junior primary kids(when we still did that). I remember thinking how cute and then a flash of she must be married and then went on my way.
The next glimpse was at a stake dance and I made sure I had a dance with her…we danced to Color My World by Chicago, how prophetic…because from then on she has brought a rainbow of changes to my life. She was very, and still is, very instrumental in helping me becoming active in church after many years of inactivity. There was reason and purpose I had never had before….we dated, and saw each other (we both worked downtown and we car pooled) every day for the next year and a half. I finally asked her to marry me and she said…NO! What? She needed some time and space, so she moved to Logan, Utah and I stayed here…started preparing for a mission( I was 27 at the time)..lot of work and I stayed in touch with Pennie. I had prayed for an answer as to what to do next…go on a mission or ask Pennie to marry me one more time. I asked her and she said yes this time….and the saga began.

A glimpse was all it took for me to know happiness… and joy. Joy, such a small word for all it encompasses….but that will be another point of reflection in the future.

Ever had a glimpse into your future you want to share?

1 comment:

Wonder Woman said...

Thank you so much for sharing this memory.