Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Time to lay off the dead beat legislator

When we don't do the work we get fired. When the bosses decide that the economy is stripping them of cash they layoff. Who? Usually those that are not producing or the ones with least seniority. So what happens when the government is not doing what it should for the people... we have to wait another 4 years to vote them out... There is no penalty for when they are not producing the legislation that will help us to rise above the recession. No consequences when the lack of participation in the House or Senate has penalized us with less income, housing problems, healthcare issues, immigration problems, just to mention a few. Think hard and make sure that when you vote the next time you do your homework on the issues and who will be your best advocate. Next time is a what do we do now? Make your point felt by letting your representative know you are not satisfied, even a mite upset, angry, as to where we are as a nation. Unload on the right people.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Things that really annoy me

Having grey hair before I really thought it would happen (I know, at least you have hair--one of the comments that really annoy me)
Seeing my retirement funds retiring themselves.
People that do not know how to use a turn signal.
Not moving out of the left lane on the hi-way(they want to police our speed.)
Not getting to my wished height
Friends that really do not act like friends
Pimples at 57
That actors get paid more than any teacher
That Jay Leno really is coming back to TV
Good shows get cancelled
etc, etc, etc.....what annoys you?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

If you never ask you will never know

I have no problem talking to people. Ask my family and you will probably get some kind of embarrassing tale of woe. I always seem to run into someone I know wherever we go, and conversations can go on, and on... but this time it was a complete stranger. This guy was watching our group as we were participating in a pioneer celebration. I saw him and was prompted to go over and talk to him. We talked about old junior highs in the area, he had gone to Mayberry and I to Hadley, fierce rivals in my day. He seemed to be in his forties and we continued talking about the area, what we do and the topic turned to why he was here at the park. Old memories of hanging out before school...had come back to town to see family...where had he come back from? Panama City, FL. No way...some of my old stomping grounds during school. We exchanged stories about living there, how much it has changed and our own memories...small world? All because I was not afraid to ask a simple few questions.... how many people do we encounter on a daily basis that if we were to talk to them and ask a few questions, would open avenues of knowledge? How well do you really know the people that surround you, at work, family, church...enlarge you circle and see how far your ripple will travel. Start small and ask your best friend to tell them something you never knew. Have fun with this and let me know what happens...if you will...please

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Jaygawkers among us

Going down the local hi-way that intersects Wichita the other day I was caught up in a traffic jam of sorts. I was headed east bound and was listening to the radio for what was the problem. Flash...a roll over accident had taken place in west bound traffic about a half hour ago and they were getting things cleaned up. The west bound? Here I was sitting in the east bound and it was backed up from I-235 to what was the problem in our lanes? Jaygawkers!!1 People having to slow down to see what was happening...causing delays and the potential for other accidents. Move on, I realize your concern for the others in the accident... But there is nothing you can do for the situation, but move on and stay safe. Anyone else ever encountered this situation and frustration? Am I overreacting?

Late summer nights and forging memories

My son has been taking advantage of the summer nights and being able to stay up late...can't blame him, school is not that far off. But he asks me to stay up also and I still have to get up for work, ...but those times are precious. We talk, watch movies, growl at each other, make goofy faces, chow down and other assorted late night antics. Reminds me of times with my dad and late nights after closing the Hut together. We would grill some steaks and watch Memorable Movie, but mostly talk and see what was happening. Soon after I entered the Air Force and those times were put on hold. I have always enjoyed the relationship with my parents, through the hard times and the good. But my dad and I have been close because of time we worked together. Well...he worked and I helped buildings for extra money, building dune buggies, helping out at the gas station, spending time at the old Harpool offices...just being with my dad I was able to appreciate his work ethic and relationships he had with others. Relationships that I want to reinforce with my kids...and if it means sacrificing some sleep, so be it. It is well worth the effort. Spend time where and when it matters...and if you want share some memories of times with your parents that made your bonds a little closer

401 or not K

So who is going to bail us out? We are the ones that are paying for the banks, auto manufactures and mortgage bailouts and where does that leave us? In debt up to our ears, looking for part time jobs just to get by. So what do we do? Wait it out? Look at extra years of work just to make up for the losses? Invest what we can on low market stocks.... A million ideas, but what will really work for you? Your thoughts please

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Big & Tasty for so much more

So what is up with taking the Big & tasty off the dollar menu? McDouble? Double the trouble and no salad in the mixing. I always ask for no mayo, no pickle and add mustard. I miss the $1 fix and want it to come back...I'm fried and fed up

Who is stringing you along?

Ever felt like a puppet? Somewhere, somehow some one is pulling the strings and you are moving in a direction that is not in your want to cut the strings and yet you know if you do you will be out of control or really on your own. Obligations stand in your way or family or both. you are afraid of what might happen. you don't really enjoy the helplessness but it is easy for someone else to be at the helm. What do you do? Has this ever happened to you or is it happening now? Now is your chance to unload.... be fair and don't lash out..who is yanking your strings?